Cambridge University Computer Preservation Society - more info

CUCPS Library

Members might be interested in documents in our (currently somewhat embryonic) library. Currently there aren't many documents in the library, but we're happy to accept contributions (subject, of course, to the usual problems of finding storage space!)

CUCPS Equipment

Information about CUCPS equipment, including giving us equipment and the equipment we currently have looking for homes, is available.

CUCPS Constitution

Our constitution is now available on-line, however as always with such documents the definitive version is the paper copy (which you might be able to see by pestering a committee member). This has now been updated following changes made at the 1997 and 1998 AGMs.

CUCPS Committee and other officers

The current CUCPS committee is as follows:

For most things, though, you should normally contact soc-cucps-committee rather than individual committee members. If you are interested in helping running the society, come along to talks and discuss what's involved with the committee then.

CUCPS membership cards

CUCPS membership cards are of a somewhat unusual design - edge-punched on a Facit 4070. Further information about them is available.

CUCPS logo

Information about the CUCPS logo is available.

FTP site

CUCPS had an FTP site run by Ben Harris, which contained lists of equipment which the society had acquired. This is not currently available, but its contents may reappear at some point.

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Contact: CUCPS Committee (
Last updated: $Date: 2003/06/22 11:22:43 $